Minnesota CaseWatch Minnesota CaseWatch is an easy-to-use digest of Minnesota appellate court opinions relating to banking and is intended to provide bankers with relevant information on potential legal issues. Loading Select Topic(s) 11 US Code § 550 15 US Code § 1681 15 US Code § 1692 28 US Code § 1332 28 US Code § 1441 APR ATM Abandoned Property Acceleration Accord and Satisfaction Account Agreement Account Stated Actual Fraud Adjustable Rate Mortgage (ARM) Adverse Claim Advertising Age Discrimination Agency Discretion Agent/Agency Agricultural Lending Agricultural Lien Aiding and Abetting Ambiguous Contract Amendment Americans Disability Act Article 9 Assessment Lien Assignment Assignment of Mortgage Assignment of Redemption Rights Attachment Attorney Liens Attorney-in-Fact Attorneys Fees Avoidance of Transfers Badges of Fraud Bailee-in-Possession Bank Secrecy Act Bankruptcy Blanket Lien Bona Fide Purchaser Bond Boundary by Practical Location Breach Breach of Contract Breach of Fiduciary Duty Breach of the Peace Brokerage Account Business Registration Buyer in Ordinary Course CAMELS Rating Causation Cause of Action Certificate of Deposit Chapter 13 Bankruptcy Charge-backs Choice of Law Civil Action Claim Preclusion Class Action Co-signers Collateral Collection Costs Collections Commenced Commercial Reasonableness Commingling Compound Interest Condition Precedent Conditional Checks Confidentiality Conservatorship Consideration Constitution Construction Construction Lending Constructive Fraud Constructive Notice Constructive TrustÊÊ Consumer Fraud Consumer Loan Financing Contract Contract Language Contract for Deed Contractual Interference Conversion Corporate Dissolution Corporation County Registrar Covenant of Good Faith and Fair Dealing Credit Agreement Credit Card Credit Dispute Investigation Credit Report Credit Reporting Credit Reporting Agency Creditor Creditors' Rights Cross-Collateralization Cure Period D&O Damages Data Breach Date of First Delinquency Dealer Loans Debt Cancellation Debt Collection Debtor Deceptive Representation Deceptive Trade Practices Act Declaratory Judgment Deed-in-Lieu Defamation Default Default Interest Rate Default Judgment Deficiency Judgment Derivative Claim Discharge Dishonored Check Divorce Doctrine of Account Stated Dual Tracking Due Process Duress Duty of Care Duty of Good Faith ECOA Easement Electronic Funds Transfer Act (EFTA) Electronic Signature Embezzlement Endorsement Equifax Equitable Estoppel Equitable Mortgage Equitable Relief Equitable Subrogation Equity Escrow Estate Estoppel Eviction Exempt Property Experion Fair Credit Reporting Act Fair Debt Collection Practices Act Fair Housing Act False Representation Farm Credit Act Farm Products Exception Farmer-Lender Mediation Act Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Federal Preemption Federal Rule 66 Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 15 Federal Rules of Civil Procedure Fiduciary Duty Finance Charge Financial Institution Bond Financial Institution Reform, Recovery and Enforcement Act (FIRREA) Financial Statement Compilations Financing Statement Floor Plan Financing Forbearance Agreement Foreclosure Foreclosure Reconveyance Foreclosure Rescue Scam Foreclosure by Advertisement Fraud Fraudulent Concealment Fraudulent Transfer Fraudulent misrepresentation Freddie Mac Future Advances Garnishment Garnishment Jurisdiction Good Faith Encumbrancer Good Faith Purchaser Good Faith and Fair Dealing Good-faith Transferee Grantor/Grantee Index Guarantees Guarantors Guaranty Guardianship Heightened Pleading Help for Homeowners in Foreclosure notice Holder in Due Course Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP) Homestead Homestead Exemption IRS Form 1099-C Immediate Transferee Implied Contract Implied Covenant Implied Covenant of Good Faith and Fair Dealing Implied Notice Individual Retirement Account/Individual Retirement Annuity Inherited IRA Insurance Intercreditor Agreement Interest Rate Interests in Land Intrusion Upon Seclusion Inventory Joint Account Joint Tenants with Rights of Survivorship Judgement Creditor Judgement Debtor Judgment Judgment Lien Judicial Foreclosure Junior Lien Holder Junior Mortgagee Jurisdiction Late Mortgage Payments Late Payment Fee Lease Legal Description Lender's Policy Lessor/Lessee Lien Lienable Contribution Limited Continuing Loan Guaranty (LCLG) Lis Pendens Loan Agreement Long Term Financing Loss Mitigation MN Uniform Voidable Transaction Act Malicious Prosecution Malpractice Marriage and Conveyance Mechanic's Lien Mediate transferee Minn. Stat. § 322C.0503 Minn. Stat. § 334.01(1) Minn. Stat. § 336.9-610-611 Minn. Stat. § 507.01 Minn. Stat. § 508.25 Minn. Stat. § 513.04 Minn. Stat. § 513.33 Minn. Stat. § 513.44 Minn. Stat. § 513.45 Minn. Stat. § 513.47 Minn. Stat. § 513.48 Minn. Stat. § 514.01 Minn. Stat. § 514.18 Minn. Stat. § 523.20 Minn. Stat. § 559.01 Minn. Stat. § 58.13 Minn. Stat. § 580.041 Minn. Stat. § 580.08 Minn. Stat. § 580.23 Minn. Stat. § 582.043 Minnesota Common Interest Ownership Act Minnesota Credit Agreement Statute Minnesota Deceptive Trade Practices Act (MNDPA) Minnesota Multiparty Accounts Act Minnesota Recording Act Minnesota Residential Mortgage Originator MOSLA Minnesota Rules Minnesota Statutes Minnesota Uniform Fiduciaries Act Minnesota Uniform Fraudulent Transfer Act Misleading Representation Misrepresentation Modification Money Laundering Mortgage Mortgage - PMSI Mortgage Default Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems (MERS) Mortgage Foreclosure Mortgage Ratification Mortgage Recording Mortgage Reinstatement Mortgage Security Purchase Mortgage Servicing Multiple-Advance Loan National Bank Act Negligence Negligent Misrepresentation Notary Notice Notice of Pendency Notification Obligatory Advances Officer Oral Agreements Oral Contract Oral Credit Promise Otherwise Dispose Out-of-State Debtor Overstated Bid Parol Evidence Rule Part Performance Partial Payments Partial Release Participation Agreement Partition Sale Partnership Payable on Demand Penalty Penalty Rate Permissible Purpose Personal Guarantee Personal Service Pocket-service Ponzi Scheme Pooling and Service Agreements Possessory Lien Post Judgment Interest Post-Petition Interest Postponement Power of Attorney Pre-Lien Notice Preemption Preforeclosure Notice Prepaid Finance Charge Preponderance of Evidence Priority Privacy Private Mortgage Insurance Pro Se Probate Probate Court Probate Estate Promissory Estoppel Public Financing Purchase Agreement Purchase-Money Mortgage Qualified Written Request Quiet Title Quit Claim Deed Ratification Reaffirmation Real Estate Settlement Procedures Act (RESPA) Reasonable Investigation Reasonable Procedures Receiver Receivership Recording Redeem Redemption Reformation Regulation B Regulation DD Regulation E Regulation Z Reinstatement Release Removal Replevin Repossession Repurchase Res Judicata Rescission Residential Mortgage Transaction Revenue Bond Revenue Note Right of First Refusal Rule 11 Sanctions Satisfaction Secondary Market Secured Creditor Secured Party Security Agreement Security Interest Separate Tracts Separate and Distinct Tracts Series EE Savings Bonds Service by Mail Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA) Servicing Setoff Settlement Settlement Agreement Sheriff's Certificate Sheriff's Sale Show Me the Note Theory Slander of Title Sole Proprietorship Split Priority Mortgage Spousal Liability Spousal Signatures Standard of Proof Standing Statute of Frauds Statute of Limitations Statutory Interpretation Statutory Redemption Straw Buyer Strict Compliance Subordination Agreement Substantial Assistance Summary Surplus Suspension of Debt Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) Tax Lien Tender Theft Third Party Beneficiary Timing Timing Requirements for Recording Title Title Insurance Tolerance Torrens Property Tort Tortious Interference Tract Index Tradeline Transfer of Ownership Trespass Trust Account Trusts Truth in Lending Act (TILA) UCC 9 UCC 9-506 UCC Financing Statement Uniform Commercial Code (UCC) Uniform Electronic Transactions Act Uniform Fiduciary Act Uniform Fraudulent Transfers Act Unjust Enrichment Usury Utilities Vendor/Vendee Void Conveyance Vulnerable Adult Waiver Warranty Breach Wire Transfer Writ of Execution Writ of Garnishment Wrongful Dishonor brought in pari delicto Filter by Court MN Court of Appeals MN Supreme Court US Circuit Court of Appeals US District Court US Supreme Court Data pager Data pager 12345678910... Page 1 of 17, items 1 to 20 of 321. Show all 321 DateFile NumCase TitleCourt Data pager Data pager 12345678910... Page 1 of 17, items 1 to 20 of 321. Show all 321 Details2005/01/11C6-97-600295Minnesota Voyageur Houseboats, Inc. v. Las Vegas Marine Supply, Inc., et al. (Ct. App. 2005)MN Court of Appeals Details2003/09/300119478Wells Fargo Business Credits, Inc. v. Equinox Enterprises, Inc., et al.MN Court of Appeals Details2003/05/2704-19405First National Bank of the North v. Automotive Finance Corp., et al.MN Court of Appeals Details2006/10/1009-1708Signature Bank v. Marshall BankMN Court of Appeals Details2010/06/1520021760First Minnesota Bank v. Overby Development, et al.MN Court of Appeals Details2006/06/0648-C7-04-001479Nelson v. Woodlands National BankMN Court of Appeals Details2007/01/3069-C7-04-600200Allete, Inc., d/b/a Minnesota Power vs. GEC Engineering, Inc., et al.MN Court of Appeals Details2012/06/1173-CV-10-6192AgStar Financial Services, FLCA vs. HJR Farms, LLC, et al.MN Court of Appeals Details2004/12/14A03-1973Border State Bank of Greenbush v. Bagley Livestock Exchange, Inc., et al.MN Court of Appeals Details2005/03/08A04-1150Ag Services v. SchroederMN Court of Appeals Details2004/08/10A04-131Siemens Building Technologies, Inc. v. Peak Mechanical, Inc., et al.MN Court of Appeals Details2005/04/19A04-1329Irwin Union Bank and Trust Company v. Sheriff of Washington County, et al.MN Court of Appeals Details2005/07/26A04-1962Ripley v. PiehlMN Court of Appeals Details2005/08/16A04-2096AgCountry Farm Credit Services v. Oelke, et al.MN Court of Appeals Details2004/12/07A04-476Minnwest Bank Central v. Flagship Properties LLC, et al.MN Court of Appeals Details2005/01/04A04-506Greuling v. Wells FargoMN Court of Appeals Details2004/11/30A04-579Nelson v. First National Bank OmahaMN Court of Appeals Details2004/12/21A04-726United States Fidelity and Guaranty Company v. Excel Bank MinnesotaMN Court of Appeals Details2006/01/26A04-866Minnesota Voyageur Houseboats, Inc. v. Las Vegas Marine Supply, Inc., et al.MN Court of Appeals Details2006/04/25A05-1443Home Town Mortgage v. Ronald Tomczik, et al.MN Court of Appeals