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MBA Committees

Member involvement is the key to the success of any association. Your input is especially important to the MBA as we respond to the rapidly changing political, regulatory, and educational needs of today’s banking industry.
MBA Committee involvement is also the best way to meet and make lasting connections with other bankers throughout the state who are facing the same challenges as you. Forging these relationships has proven invaluable for those wishing to grow their career, network, and visibility. Anyone can join; hundreds of Minnesota bankers are involved in our volunteer groups, and we hope you will be too!

Want to serve on a committee for 2025-2026? Click here for more information and a participation form!
NameDescriptionStaff Liaisons
AgriculturalThe committee serves as a resource for and provides direction regarding agricultural issues that impact the banking industry including legislative, regulatory, education, public relations, and relationships with other agricultural and business organizations. Meets three times per year. Kim Philipson, Tess RiceAgriculturalAGCCOMMITTEE/AGC
AML/BSA Collaborative GroupThe collaborative group will provide a valuable forum for AML/BSA professionals to network, learn, and share their expertise. It will also be an opportunity to build relationships with other professionals in the field. The group will meet twice a year. The meetings will be held in a hybrid format, with attendees able to choose to attend in person or virtually. Renee Lawler, Tom Boswell-HealeyAML/BSA Collaborative GroupAMLCOMMITTEE/AML
Annual Meeting Planning/Bank Management Task ForceThe committee advises on the educational needs of senior and C-suite bank management, serves as an advisory to the association’s involvement in the Society of Bank Executives and provides direction for the planning of the Annual Summit. Meets twice per year. Kim Philipson, Carla BushAnnual Meeting Planning/Bank Management Task ForceCONVCOMMITTEE/CONV
Bank Staffing & Higher Education Task ForceThe task force identifies and develops resources and educational programs to support Minnesota banks in attracting, recruiting, and retaining the next generation of bankers. It forges relationships with higher education institutions in the state to encourage relevant educational opportunities for aspiring bankers. Meets as needed. Diane Brower, Renee Lawler, Carla Bush, Chris HarrisonBank Staffing & Higher Education Task ForceBNKSTAFFCOMMITTEE/BNKSTAFF
CFO Conference PlanningThe committee develops related educational programs including the annual Bank Financial Officers Conference. Meets once per year. Renee Lawler, Carla BushCFO Conference PlanningCFOCOMMITTEE/CFO
ComplianceThe committee develops related educational programs and assists the compliance department with emerging issues and evaluations of new and existing products. Meets three times per year. Tess Rice, Tom Boswell-Healey, Renee LawlerComplianceCOMPCOMMITTEE/COMP
DE&I CommitteeThe committee serves the purpose of providing insights, educational programming, and resources that enable and encourage Minnesota banks to create and foster diverse, equitable and inclusive cultures both within their banks and in the communities they serve. Meets as needed. Diane Brower, Carla BushDE&I CommitteeDEICOMMITTEE/DEI
Education/Human Resources CommitteeThe committee serves as a resource for and provides direction regarding human resource issues that impact the banking industry, including the annual compensation survey. It develops new programs to meet the needs of the industry and ensures ongoing programs remain relevant and timely. Meets twice per year. Diane Brower, Carla Bush, Chris HarrisonEducation/Human Resources CommitteeEDUCCOMMITTEE/EDUC
Employee Benefits TrustThe Employee Benefit Trustees review existing programs and consider new insurance opportunities. They also oversee our group Dental, Life, and Disability Plans which provide outstanding value to our members. By invitation only. Barbara Markus, Diane Brower, Brent Stokesbary, Ashley ReetzEmployee Benefits TrustEBTCOMMITTEE/EBT
Government Relations Advisory CouncilThe Government Relations Advisory Council is a peer group especially for upcoming industry leaders, emphasizing involvement in government relations and other areas critical for leadership. Advocacy is the cornerstone of the MBA and now is the time to ready the next generation of leaders to take the helm. The group will meet three times a year, on a two-year cycle, including Bank Day at the Capitol. We’ll continue to talk about legislative and advocacy issues at the state and national level, coach on engagement in grass roots efforts, and demonstrate how to build relationships with government officials. You’ll also get the chance to meet legislators and their staff and to network with industry peers. Tess Rice, Therese Kuvaas, Carla BushGovernment Relations Advisory CouncilGRACCOMMITTEE/GRAC
Government Relations CouncilThe council assists the association’s GR staff with in-depth analysis of issues, makes recommendations to the Board of Directors, communicates issues to government officials, and acts as ambassadors to banker colleagues for stronger grass-roots involvement. Council members represent banks of all sizes, are very interested in the political process and have specific expertise in issues impacting the industry. Meets three times per year. Therese Kuvaas, Tess Rice, Roy Terwilliger, Joe WittGovernment Relations CouncilGRCCOMMITTEE/GRC
LDA Alumni CommitteeThe Alumni Committee strives to revitalize the energy and excitement of LDA sessions and encourage continued peer connections by developing events and resources for LDA graduates. Chris Harrison, Carla BushLDA Alumni CommitteeLDAALUMCOMMITTEE/LDAALUM
MN Small Business Lending Conf PlanningThis committee develops related educational programs including the annual Minnesota Small Business Lending Conference. This committee meets once per year. Kim Philipson, Carla Bush, Renee LawlerMN Small Business Lending Conf PlanningSMBUSCOMMITTEE/SMBUS
Operations/Technology CommitteeThe committee serves as a resource for and provides direction regarding operations, technology and security issues that impact the banking industry. It develops related educational programs including the annual Operations and Technology Conference. Meets once per year. Jay Tambornino, Renee LawlerOperations/Technology CommitteeOPERCOMMITTEE/OPER
Women in Banking Conference PlanningThe committee develops related educational programs including the annual Women in Banking Conference. Meets once per year. Chris Harrison, Kim PhilipsonWomen in Banking Conference PlanningWBCCOMMITTEE/WBC